Saturday, December 6, 2008

Twitter Coverage

After the recent Mumbai attacks and researching the coverage of that I find that I'm a little in the middle when it comes to my opinion on how it was covered on Twitter. Twitter is after all a way of "crowd sourcing". I find that some of the tweets were too repetitive, some of the same people saying the same thing. Other times I felt that the information being provided would be helpful for me as a journalist. But then I'd have to answer the question "How do I know this is legitimate? How do I verify this?" I think that is a weakness of crowd sourcing and also of using tools like Twitter. You never know if that person that says they're there is really there.... Are they just pretending to be there or are they really a part of the news? Twitter has been become a great tool for journalists to use to get tips on stories, after verification we may find that someone on Twitter was the 1st to find out. I think it can most definitely be used for good, but with caution.  

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