Friday, October 24, 2008

Taking Back Words

New York Post page six is a page to take back words. connected me with a Journalism Review that told about the current problem. The Post would publish articles only to find out they weren't true and apologize for the mistake. This goes along with verification (Like the wonderful class presentation this last week). If an article/source isn't verified then they have to take it back, I think that is LAME. Even if it is just a story about Michelle Obama. Here is some of the article that was "taken back": 

"The source who told us last week about Michelle Obama getting lobster and caviar delivered to her room at the Waldorf-Astoria must have been under the influence of a mind-altering drug. She was not even staying at the Waldorf. We regret the mistake, and our former source is going to regret it, too. Bread and water would be too good for such disinformation."

They also had to clarify a story about Pamela Anderson and a date she went on... problem was, she didn't even go on the supposed date they talked about... VERIFY! 

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