Sunday, November 16, 2008

"There are more pictures on television, that's about it!"

Andy Rooney commented on newspapers on Sunday evening during 60 minutes. I immediately stopped to hear what he had to say. Andy used to write for a newspaper before WWII and I remember learning about him in my media history class. He says he thinks of himself 1st as a newspaper man above and beyond a broadcast man. Andy worries about the decline of newspapers, but said something interesting:

 "There has been a steady decline in the circulation of almost all newspapers. But it's strange because there is still no decline in the faith that people put in their newspaper. Readers check their newspaper every morning to see whether what they saw on television the night before is really true. "

He goes on to say that television news is not subject to the same scrutiny that newspapers are, "Television news is on the screen one minute and gone the next... There are more pictures on television, that's about it." What do you think, TRUE or FALSE?